Research & Innovation

iMe- Intelligent Microbiome Evaluations


iMe- Intelligent Microbiome Evaluations

iMe- Intelligent Microbiome Evaluations

Utilizing advanced third-generation sequencing technology, we conduct in-depth analysis of individual gut microbiomes, accurately detecting the microbes associated with health conditions and disease risks. Compared to traditional testing methods with their limitations, our technology offers more precise and comprehensive results, painting a complete picture of one's gut microbiome composition. Based on the test findings, we employ our proprietary bioinformatics algorithms to establish probiotic evaluation and disease risk prediction models. This allows for timely, targeted interventions through dietary and lifestyle adjustments, effectively preventing the onset of diseases. By continuously optimizing our testing technology and updating our prediction models, we empower personalized precision medicine for all, ushering in a new era of preventive healthcare.


Product Introduction

Our gut acts as the body's second brain, directly influencing our health and susceptibility to disease. Through a simple, painless stool test, we can analyze the types and proportions of bacteria in your gut, identify imbalances, and monitor how diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes impact your gut microbiome over time. If you regularly take probiotics, the test results also reveal whether your current supplements are well-suited for you and which additional strains could help restore balance to your gut flora. A healthy gut means a healthier you. Our professional testing process is painless and doesn't require any special dieting or fasting. It's that easy to gain scientific insights for optimizing your gut microbiome - the foundation for holistic wellness of body and mind.

Let's embark on a journey towards complete health by first nurturing the microbial ecosystem within. Effortless testing, scientific solutions - achieve total vitality by starting with your gut.



Clinical Outcomes (Charts)

(Chart Explanation)
Committed to delivering accurate results, our platform adheres to stringent standardization and optimization protocols at every stage - from sample processing to data analysis. We utilize a non-invasive stool sampling method with high-stability collection vials to ensure sample integrity. Our advanced data analysis leverages multiple professional bacterial gene sequence databases, reinforcing the reliability of our test findings.





2023 National Innovation Award

2023 National Healthcare Quality Award


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