Department Introduction

Big Data Center | About Us


About Us

China Medical University Hospital (CMUH) set up the Big Data Center on December 1, 2015, in order to promote theme database warehousing based on the integration of all of the hospital's patients' return medical records on file. The initial goal is to give priority to the research value of medical data, while the long-term one is to promote personalized medical care and realize the industrial value of big data.

The center currently serves all teachers and students, doctors, medical personnel, and administrative staff interested in research from China Medical University, Taiwan and its medical systems. It provides research and design statistics consulting and data analysis-related services, and also helps to deal with the information needed for operation and management, so that each service seeker will not worry about data collection, relevant research design, and analysis and statistics. While doing research, they are able to persistently concentrate on their specialty, displaying maximum win-win teamwork spirit.
In response to the advent of big data and related social change, China Medical University, Taiwan and its medical systems founded the Big Data Center, through which an interdisciplinary database platform was built in order to meet the needs of teaching, research, medical services, operations management, and future biomedical industry and other industry-academia development; to realize big data value; to boost the academic status of the medical systems of China Medical University, and to promote public health.
The Big Data Center is expected to play the role of data confluence hub in the hospital's medical system, with the ideal of Data as a Service, (DaaS), in conjunction with five databases on clinical research, precision medicine, cancer registration, CMU—AU life network, and official open data. Through the standard processing procedures of data acquisition and extract-transform-load (ETL), it performs synchronous processing of structured and unstructured data types, constructs comprehensive data warehouses, builds a data platform that integrates searches, real-time analysis, and visual presentation, and offers cloud-based, intelligent, and diverse big data application services, including health care learning and application systems, cloud-based medical service integration, and business intelligence decision analysis, as well as the use of value-added data to produce innovative medical services, academic research, and business application patterns. It is expected that the medical system of the hospital can join the ranks of first-class medical centers and become a leader in intelligent medical services.

圖(一) 大數據中心組織發展方向及運用願景

Figure 1.Big Data Center development and vision

  • Core values
    Improve big data research power, precision, and competitiveness.

  • Concrete contributions
    The Big Data Center aims to give full play to the value of medical big data and analyze medical data by the establishment of an integrated database and an interdisciplinary information platform, with the goal of building a clinical decision support system to boost medical quality and promote public health.
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