Department Introduction

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | Excellence



The Department of Rehabilitation Physicians’ research manly focuses on: rehabilitation of the disabled with urinary dysfunction, study on the quality of life of the disabled and their families, treatment of spasms in patients with central nervous system lesions, rehabilitation of patients with dysphagia, analysis of gait and movement in patients with physical disabilities, and mechanical analysis and application of foot orthoses, all of which have excellent achievements.     
By participating in the discussion of the interdisciplinary meetings, the department is constantly improving the process and quality of service for all types of patients. We work closely with the acute trauma center, obesity prevention and sports center, diabetes health education center, preventive medicine center, stroke center, renal medicine center, and cardiovascular center, in promoting the physical fitness of the patients and ameliorating their daily movement function and quality of life through delicate exercise prescription.

As early as 2001, the department has been integrated into the organizational structure of the stroke center and the emergency and trauma center, so that stroke and acute trauma patients can receive appropriate rehabilitation care at the early stage, and enhance rehabilitation effect.
In the stroke center, the rehabilitation physician will evaluate the patients with indications eligible for stroke rehabilitation within two days of hospitalization, and according to the patient's condition and needs, formulate a rehabilitation scheme, give prescriptions for rehabilitation, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, as well as help patients and their families learn bedside and home-based rehabilitation skills by offering health education,   
For the acute stroke patient whose condition is not stable enough and needs appropriate rehabilitation treatment to avoid complications such as joint contracture, the staff of the Department of Rehabilitation will go to the bedside and even the intensive care unit to provide preventive bedside rehabilitation.
If the patient's condition is stable, further rehabilitation training can be received in the rehabilitation therapeutic room attached to the wards at the stroke center. Although some stroke patients receiving treatment are in a relatively stable condition, their life at home cannot be restored immediately due to obvious limb dysfunction. At this point, the inpatients can move from the stroke center ward to the rehabilitation ward, and the rehabilitation team will cooperate fully with the patients and their families to promote the recovery of various functions.
The department is also integrated into the operation of the acute trauma center. All patients with severe trauma, who are affected by factors such as limbs, cognition, swallowing, breathing, and pain, can receive our early assessment and immediate intervention in the first place, and necessary rehabilitation.


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