Department Introduction

Molecular Medicine Center | Excellence



A world-renowned scholar, Dr. Mien-Chie Hung ( currently the President of China Medical University) is active in U.S. and Taiwan's biomedical science communities. As the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Vice President for Basic Research, and the Department of Molecular and Cellular Oncology Professor and Chair, Dr. Hung is an outstanding scientist with a few different specialties. In recent years, he has made epoch-making discoveries in many clinical trials and studies in connection with cancer.

Under the guidance of distinguished director Mien-chie Hung, the Center for Molecular Medicine has presented excellent basic and translational medicine research results. Currently, the center has set up cancer cell signal transduction pathways and various in-situ tumor animal models, providing a research platform to evaluate preclinical drug efficacy tests and animal toxicity tests, to develop new targeted therapy drugs, and to identify molecular biomarkers. Many more effective adjuvant targeted therapies have been verified through animal models and multiple targets have been developed to be used as indicators of clinical protocols, so as to increase the cure rate.
Since its inception over a decade ago, the center has showcased outstanding cancer research achievements, with a total of 395 papers published and the average of IF being 7.316. A combined 66 papers with  IF>10 were published in foreign prestigious journals with high points, including Nature (IF: 40.137), Cell (IF: 30.410), Nature Medicine (IF: 29.886), Cancer Cell (IF: 27.407), Nature Cell Biology (IF: 20.060), Molecular Cell (IF: 14.714), Journal of Clinical Investigation (IF: 12.784), and Nature Communications (IF: 12.124). These achievements contribute to the development of more effective treatment of breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, brain cancer, bone cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.
On top of personal research projects, the center also actively strives for national and multi-year integrated research projects. Over the past years, it has obtained grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology's (MOST) Stem Cell Flagship Program, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Forward-looking Program, Promotion of Private Schools’ Research and Development Synergy Project, Program for Funding Top Transnational Research Centers Founded in Taiwan, and National Research Program for Biopharmaceuticals (NRPB), as well as from the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Program for the Establishment of an Excellent Cancer Research System and Cancer Research Excellence Program. Moreover, it has recently received funding from the MOST's Integrated Research Program. Since its inception, it has carried out a total of 71 research projects and got a grant of over NT$500 million in total from outside the hospital. These results show that the center has its international competitive edge and demonstrates the potential to become a research hub for cancer cell signal transduction pathways and translational medicine.
The total number of papers published by the center since 2006
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