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Ear surgery 耳部手術後之傷口照護


Ear surgery 耳部手術後之傷口照護

  1. Ear wound after surgery is covered by elastic gauze for bleeding control and drug fixing for 1-2 days. Don’t remove gauze by yourself. Please inform the nurse or medical staff if patients suffer from severe headache or compression sensation, bleeding or other unusual sensation.
  2. Please take a bed rest and avoid active head motion in 24 hours after surgery.
  3. If gauze gets wet by blood or any discharge, please inform our medical staff.
  4. Please inform our medical staff if headache, fever, ear pain or vertigo develops.
  5. Please keep gauze dry during face washing or showering.
  6. Avoid rigid food just after surgery, and may try soft food such as porridge or boiled egg.
  7. Avoid forceful sneezing. Open mouth during sneezing.
  8. Take medicine on time.
  9. Don’t remove the ear packing put in the ear canal. The ear packing is to keep the fascia in place. Come back to clinic again if bleeding, pus formation or any usual sensation develops.
  10. Avoid air travel or diving within 3 months after surgery.

電話:(04) 22052121 分機 18331
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