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Health Education Instructions for Post-Operative Lower-Extremity Peripheral Vascular Occlusion 下肢末梢血管阻塞術後衛教說明


Health Education Instructions for Post-Operative Lower-Extremity Peripheral Vascular Occlusion 下肢末梢血管阻塞術後衛教說明


Name of Medical Device:  “General Blood Vessel Balloon Angioplasty” and “Drug-Eluting Blood Vessel Balloon Angioplasty.”

Description of Medical Device

Under small-area local anesthesia, patients are pricked with one small wound of approximately 1.5mm from the groin, followed by placing catheter with special size into the blood vessels of the patients. With the help of precision instrument, various small-size catheters or blood vessel unobstructed by balloon dilation will be re-placed with proper size of vascular stent if needed, in order to maintain blood circulation. Besides, the previously lacking blood of peripheral vessels could re-gain blood.

Time to use

  • Intermittent claudication
  • Numb extremities, lower skin temperature, and pale skin when lifting high.
  • More pain after extremities resting and night pain.
  • Inability to walk, feet fester and necrosis.     

Possible side effects

  • Drug allergy
  • Aeroembolism
  • Hematoma or nerve damage on the pricked area or follow-up recovery area.
  • Bleeding
  • Blocking of small vessels or vascular thrombosis formation.
  • Vascular injury
  • Back, abdominal or lower-extremity pain
  • Infection
  • Thrombophlebitis
  •  Acute renal failure (ARF)

Instructions for Post-Operative Care

  • After the surgery, the physicians will ask you to lie down and rest for a few hours without bending the legs. We will also give pressure directly exerted on the wound for sealing the artery wound. Moreover, the wound on portal catheter will be checked for swelling or bleeding. Will also prescribe some preventive drugs for arterial spasm or blood clotting. In case of contrast media injection during the surgery, you will need to drink more liquid to increase urination and discharge the contrast media out of your body.
  • To prevent blood clots (thrombosis) in a few weeks or months after the installation of stent, the physician will prescribe two types of anti-platelet drugs: aspirin and clopidogrel. These two drugs are used to inhibit the function of platelet which can trigger the blood cells reflected from blood coagulation. The physicians will recommend you the proper dosage.
  • In case of experiencing any lower-extremity pain, discomfort or prick-area bleeding, you should seek for medical help immediately.
  • In case of emergency situation, call the ambulance immediately or go to the ER of the nearest hospital to search for assistance.  
  • In 2 weeks before discharge from the hospital, avoid pressing on pricked area or lift heavy articles. In 2 weeks, the patients should gradually increase daily activities such as exercise or work.
  • The physicians will ask you to continue return visit for follow-up. The first return visit is usually in 2~4 weeks after the surgery and another follow-up treatment will be conducted in 6 months or 12 months after the surgery, which depends on the condition. You must return for visit accordingly.  
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