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Low Back Pain 下背痛


Low Back Pain 下背痛


Etiology of low back pain

The exact cause of back pain is often difficult to identify. In fact, muscles, soft connective tissue, ligaments, joint capsules, cartilage, discs, and nerves are considered to be attributions of the cause. When we exercise, lift objects, or do sports; we may pull, strain, stretch, or sprain our backs. Sometimes minor tearing of the outer layer spinal disc can also generate severe pain. There are also people experiencing pain triggered by degenerated, bulged, and herniated disc.


Exercise is one of the most important treatments to reduce back pain. Patient could benefit from regular strengthening like core strengthening and resistance or weight training; flexibility training like stretching; and aerobic exercise at least 3-5 times a week to improve overall fitness and reduce further likelihood of back injury.

What is the proper posture to avoid back injuries?

Maintain proper postures to sustain healthiness of intricate structures like back and spine; by doing so, it helps reduce back and neck pain. The following guidelines are some simple means to help you prevent back injuries when you perform any of the following activities : 

  • Standing—with one foot forward and knees slightly bent to take pressure off your low back;
  • Sitting—with your hips slightly higher than your knees to reduce lower back strain;
  • Reaching— with assistance of a stool when trying to grab things beyond your shoulder level. 

What are the proper means and techniques to lift heavy object and prevent back injuries?

Lifting and bending are often major culprits when it comes to the onset of back pain.

Using proper lifting and bending techniques will help reduce stress placed on the lower spine and help eliminate injuries. Following are some of tips and guidelines to properly lift heavy objects and prevent back injuries:

Use your legs—when bending and lifting, make sure to bend your knees so that your legs help to distribute weight evenly.

Squat with your chest sticking out forward and your buttocks protruding out backward. This position keeps your lower back stay in a neutral and safer position.

Keep the weight close—when you lift and carry a heavy object, keep the weight as close to your body as possible.

Balance your load—have both hands carry one item respectively to reduce and balance stress otherwise generated by both hands carrying one heavy object.

Avoid twisting—a surefire way that harms your back is to have it twisted when lifting an object because you may have too much pressure loaded on the structures of the lower back.

Push instead of pull—pushing is much easier on your back than pulling. Use your arms and legs to start the push.

If you must move a heavy item, don’t do it alone—get someone to help you.

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