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Prevention and healthcare of renal stone 石淋(腎結石)的預防與保健


Prevention and healthcare of renal stone 石淋(腎結石)的預防與保健


Renal stones develop in any age, especially in adults aged from 20 to55 years old; and it is more likely to affect males. It is recurrent and often associated with environment, diet, and occupation. The disorder is asymptomatic in the early stage, so it is easily ignored by the patients; patients often do not seek for help until there is hematuria and pain.

Common Symptoms

The representational symptom is renal colic with undulating cramps and severe pain. Such pain moves from flank to lower abdomen, down to the groin, and eventually to the scrotal or labial areas. Common symptoms include severe pain, nausea, vomiting, pale look, sweating, dysuria, hematuria, urinary retention, fever, and chills.

Classification of renal stone

  1. There is 75 % calcium oxalate caused renal calculi. Its size is often smaller than 2 cm with black, gray, and white in color.
  2. There is 10 - 20 % struvite calculi in " staghorn" form which is mainly caused by bacterial infection.
  3. There is 5 % uric acid incurred renal stone with transparent and orange in color.

Examination of the kidney

  1. Urinary analysis : it is often used for screening hematuria, proteinuria, infection, early renal disease, liver disease, and stones or tumor.
  2. Renal ultrasound: its function is to make sure of the size, form, and shape of the kidneys; also it is utilized to see if there is cyst, tumor, chronic nephritis, or hydronephrosis.
  3. X-ray : it is the fastest and most effective way to differentiate flank and lower back pain.

In the view of Chinese medicine

Stones in the urinary tract are called “ stone strangury ” ( 石淋, shi-lin, or 砂淋, sha-lin ) in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s often caused by damp-heat, vacuity of spleen and kidney, or binding depression of liver chi. Clinical presentations include low back pain, flank pain, intermittent urination, anuria, frequent urination, and urgent urination.

Health protection

  1. Intake 2000 - 3000 c.c of water a day. Increase your intake after sweating, diarrhea, fever, and exercise.
  2. Do not hold your urine.
  3. Plain water is better than any other drinks which often contain oxalate.
  4. Avoid salty food.
  5. Do not eat too much meat and beans.
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