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Daily Care for Depression in Chinese Medicine 中醫鬱症日常保健


Daily Care for Depression in Chinese Medicine 中醫鬱症日常保健


Depression is mostly caused by emotional upsets and melancholy; where sometimes the disease leads to depression and sometimes depression results in the disease. Clinical indications suggest that internal emotion injurie is the cause of disease, which is commonly known as the Neurosis in modern medicine, particularly among neurasthenia. It is also commonly seen in patients of menopause with comprehensive symptoms and emotional psychiatric illness (i.e. depression) and mostly among young and middle-aged women. Patients have medical history in worries, anxiety, sorrow, fear, and freight, while the recurrent onset of condition is related to the variation of emotions.

Clinical Symptoms

The key reference of diagnosis includes dysthymia, restlessness, chest tightness with pain, insomnia, palpitation, chest tightness, headache, nervousness, depressed mood, softer or water stool when being nervous, and foreign object obstructing the throat.

Daily Care for Depression

  • Nutritious and balanced diet can protect the brain, stabilize the motion, and reduce the risk of depression. The extensive consumption of good food such as vegetable, fruit, fish, and olive oil can stabilize the emotion and alleviate the symptoms of depression. Some bacteria on the intestinal tract could change the neurotransmitters and thereby affect the brain’s function in emotion control.
  • Such type of depression patients are categorized in Chinese medicine as cause of heart and liver heat and the diet should emphasize on the psychological development, including lotus root, lotus seeds, blighted wheat, licorice, red dates, dried longan, and coptis chinensis feature calm effect as well as helping those with mental and physical exhaustion, insomnia and distraught mind. For the liver, rose tea, chrysanthemum tea or cassia tea are good drinks because they can clean the liver, relieve depression and will contribute to depression over the long run. . 
  • Seek for supporters: When you feel down and it will be best if your friends can listen to you or share your worries. Therefore do not shut you up but find someone to tell everything, so you will feel that things will not be as bad as you think. 
  • Regular routines and sufficient sleep.
  • Transfer of attention : When you feel down, immediately get away from thinking in blind corner. You have to let other thought go into your mind in order not to think about these things. 
  • Listen to the music, watch a movie or develop other hobbies to convert the emotion.
  • Exercise : Long-term exercise will produce endorphins(pleasant sensation), including guided exercise, , Tai Chi, and yoga. The principle is to teach you how to relax though breathing and thereby accomplishing the regulation of internal organs. Breathing can be applied to alleviate the heart rate and peristalsis, consequently accomplishing the balance and relaxation of the body, mind and soul.

Recommendation for Dietary Supplement Care

  • Calming Porridge
  • Longan Lotus Seed Porridge(dried longan 15-30g, lotus seed 15-30g,  red dates 5-10g, glutinous rice 30-60g, some cubed sugar).
  • Calming Tea Drink
  • Jasmine calamus tea ( jasmine and calamus each 6g, green tea 10g, some cubed sugar added with 300 c.c. of boiled water, cover with lid to sit for 10 minutes ).
  • Acacia caulis tea ( brew acacia 12 g, caulis 18 g, green tea 10 g, and some cubed sugar with 300c.c. of boiled water. Cover with lid to sit for 10 minutes ). 
  • Choose proper acupuncture for acupressure, which often achieves good results on controlling mental depression.
  • In general Neiguan, Shenmeng, Laogong, and Sanyinjiao acupuncture points as well as ear Shenmeng and bean embeddingcan be used for acupressure of health, relaxing muscle tension, and improving insomnia, palpitation and chest tightness.
  •  Neiguan : Between Quzhe point and Dalin point, in 3 fingerbreadths above the transverse crease of the wrist (2 inches).
  • Shenmeng : Next to the transverse crease on the side of hand joint.
  • Laogong :  On the central area between the 3rd and 4th ginger bone of the palm.
  • Sanyinjiao: In 4 fingerbreadths ( 3 inches ) above the inner ankle, next to the inner side of tibia.
  • Shenmeng on Ear: On the area 1/3 under the fossa triangularis.  
  • Xindian on Ear: The central depressed area of cavity of concha. 
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