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Ankle Injury 腳踝扭傷


Ankle Injury 腳踝扭傷


What is ankle injury?

Ankle injury refers to the sudden external rotation or internal rotation of ankle joint caused by the improper landing by ligament of ankle joint while walking on uneven surface of roads or jumping high at basketball games. Such injury will lead to the sprain or fracture of the internal and external ligament. About 80% of such injury consists of external ligament.


  • Trauma.
  • Ligament was injured previously.
  • Structural change or lack of exercises: For example, high arch results in weak surrounding muscle or loose ligament.

Clinical Syndromes

  • Suffering from red, swelling, heat, and pain when first sprained.
  • Ankle joint becomes more rigid.
  • The surrounding muscles eventually become weak and atrophic.
  • Influence on the balance capacity of ankle joint.
  • Influence on the functions of lower limbs and walking ability.

Home Exercises

  • Ankle Exercises: Maintain the activity of ankle joint to help blood circulation. Keep each motion for 10~20 seconds, 10~20 times a lap and 3 laps a day. Motion: Sitting down, move the sole up, down, inside and outside.

  • Pulling Exercise: Improve the ankle joint activities and tissue tenderness. Keep each motion for 10~20 seconds, 10~20 times a lap and 3 laps a day. Motion: Lunge, push the wall with hands, bent the front foot, stretch the knee of rear leg (injured foot), and keep the heel on the ground.

  • Muscle strength exercise: Boost the muscular power surrounding the ankle joint. Keep each motion for 10~20 seconds, 10~20 times a lap and 3 laps a day.
  1. Rubber Band Exercise:
  • Strengthen the muscle in and outside of the ankle. Cover the feet with rubber band and pull inward and outward.
  • Strengthen the muscle of the front calf. Fix one end of the rubber band on the foot of table and the other end on the injured foot. Pull the injured foot with rubber band towards the body. Step the rubber band with injured foot.
  1. Towel grabbing exercise can boost the muscle strength of the foot. Place the towel on the ground, flatten the injured foot, and grab the towel with toes and without moving the heel.  

  1. Proprioception Exercises: Improve balance and stabilize ankle joints. Maintain each motion at 10~20 seconds for 10~20 times a lap and 3 laps a day. (Lower left image) Do exercise with one-foot standing on the injured feet; train with eyes closed or open. (Lower right image) Walk along one straight line, tiptop to heel.

Precautions and Prohibitions

  • Ankle Movement: Take proper rest for foot injury to speed up ligament healing.
  • Warm up before exercise to avoid over-exercising.
  • Use supporting devices such as ankle protector for protection.

During Training and Prognosis

  • Most patients can return to the sports field after 6 weeks of treatment. However some patients with more severe condition will maintain the syndromes even to 6 months.
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