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TCM Health Education for Chronic Kidney Disease 中醫慢性腎臟病衛教


TCM Health Education for Chronic Kidney Disease 中醫慢性腎臟病衛教


Healthy lifestyle

  1. Maintain ideal body weight: BMI between 18.5 and 23.9.
  2. Moderate exercise: Exercise at least three times a week, such as tai chi and shaking hands for 30 minutes each time, which can prevent osteoporosis, slow down and prevent arterial stiffness, and maintain immunity.
  3. Abstain from smoking, excessive drinking and staying up late.
  4. Keep warm.

Balanced diet

  1. Avoid consuming excessive tonics, avoid common warm and dry foods such as all nourishing decoctions, stewed ribs in medicinal herbs, ginger duck, sesame oil chicken, etc., which will make the pathogenic qi linger and increase the internal heat. Avoid greasy, spicy and stimulating foods, and do not consume raw or cold foods. Eat plenty of protein and avoid abundant fish and meat.
  2. Fruit: avoid star fruit, as well as bananas and dried persimmons, which are high in potassium.
  3. The diet should be nutritious and light and easy to digest, with less salt, less seasoning and less processed products to ease kidney burden and delay the deterioration of kidney function.
  4. Drink plenty of water and don't hold your urine. As sports drinks contain extra electrolytes and salts, patients with kidney disease should consume them sparingly.

Never take any medication without first consulting with your doctor

  1. The administration of medication should be done in consultation with and under the guidance of a medical professional.
  2. Do not abuse painkillers and drugs of unknown origin.
  3. Do not believe in folk remedies.
  4. Do not naively trust the efficacy of advertised over-the-counter drugs.

Self-monitoring and health checks

  1. Primary glomerulonephritis requires long-term monitoring.
  2. Keep the original chronic diseases under control: For diabetes mellitus, glycated hemoglobin < 7%; for hypertension, blood pressure at 130/80mmHg; for gout, uric acid control.
  3. Observe the urine pattern: frequency of urination, urine color, taste, volume, whether it is bloody or foamy.
  4. Regular health checkups: It is advisable to have urine and blood creatinine and urea nitrogen checkups every six months, and for health examination, every three years for those aged 40-64, and once a year for those older than 65.


  1. Hand
  • Hegu point

Position: between the metacarpal of the thumb of the back of the hand and the midpoint of the metacarpal of the index finger.

  • Neiguan point

Position: medial forearm (palmar side), 2 inches above the wrist crease (three-finger length), between the two tendons (long palmar muscle tendon and flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon).

  1. foot
  • Taixi point

Position: medial part of the foot, posterior to the inner ankle, depression between the tip of the inner ankle and the Achilles tendon.

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