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Sleeve Gastrectomy will help you get lighter physically and psychologically. Change your intestines and stomach, change your endocrine and restore the health you once owned

  Most people have the established concept on weight loss with “eat less and exercise more.” However if your weight reaches over 100 kilograms at a very young age, you will be categorized as severely obese while diabetes and high blood pressure will haunt you. Do you really have that much time for gradual weight loss? At time like this, receiving sleeve gastrectomy with the evaluation by professional physicians will give you a second opportunity to reverse health. 

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy help the cousins get away from obese life 
  27-year-old Mr. Huang weighed at high as 143 kilograms while his systolic blood pressure reached 180. He was afraid of stroke and paralysis for the rest of his life and with the threat to his health, he found CMUH Division of Weight-Loss Surgeon Yu-Shu Cheng, who performed the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Now he has lost weight to 78 kilograms and has not gained weight for more than one year. “My appetite was naturally reduced after the surgery. I finally got rid of high blood pressure and I am really happy that I could get my health back.” 
  34-year-old cousin Ms. Lin lives in Nantou and once weighed to 111 kilograms. Her physical examination showed that she suffered from diabetes but she did not control her diabetes well through medicinal treatment. She feared that she would end up like her father and lived through bitter life with diabetes and taking medicine, and she took weight-loss pills and substitute meals together with exercise. She lost 20 kilograms in half a year but quickly regained her weight. Encouraged by her cousin’s result, she also received the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and was discharged from the hospital in just 3 days after the surgery. In less than one month after the surgery, her blood sugar level and glycated hemoglobin with fasting were completely normal. Now she is 66 kilograms and does not need to take any pills. She said: “Surgeon Cheng is really my life saver.” 


Gastrointestinal tract is more than a digestive organ as sleeve gastrectomy also changes your endocrine 
  Surgeon Cheng explains using cartoons and films that people used to consider the gastrointestinal as the organ responsible for digestion but it actually bears the function of “endocrine,” which controls our appetite, adjusts blood sugar, and improves insulin resistance. The sleeve gastrectomy reversed the possible metabolism disease that requires lifetime medicine taking. Surgeon Cheng is pleased to see the cousins re-finding their health and confidence. 

Weight-loss surgery gives you the opportunity to take back your health 
  Statistics suggest that the obesity rate in Taiwanese adults and children top the first place in Asia. Nearly 3,000 people receive weight-loss surgery each year. Surgeon Yu-Shu Cheng suggested treating weight-loss surgery as a serious issue and such surgery requires physician evaluation for applicability in advance. The most important meaning of the surgery lies on the opportunity for the patients to regain their health and cherish life. Looking slim on the outside is just the secondary added-value. 
  If you have not reached the severe obesity standards (BMI≧35) or have not been threatened by chronic disease such as diabetes, “slow weight loss” by eating less and exercise more is one feasible approach. However if you are so obese with diabetes and high blood pressure, and you do not have enough time for slow weight loss and you wish to reduce the damage on the functions of other body organs, weight-loss surgery may be the turning point for you to regain your healthy life. 

CMUH Division of Weight-Loss Surgeon Yu-Shu Cheng


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