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International Charity Medicine Country-to-Country Aid. China Medical University Hospital-Pou Chen Group. Cooperation Initiation of International Medical Service Press Conference

CMUH International Medical Service Center Hung-Chi Chen Superintendent

Taiwanese enterprises are distributed worldwide and team up with medical forces to make the world better. China Medical University Hospital has marketed its international medical services to countries in Southeast Asia. The case of critical disease from Vietnam received wide feedback. Pou Chen Group also expanded its care to people by initiating the cooperation with CMUH on “Country-to-Country Aid” for international medical service case. The Group assisted an 11-year-old girl, Let (nickname)   from Myanmar to receive treatment by multidiscipline team, which opened up a new chapter of history in the medical service cooperation with Taiwanese enterprises.  

CMUH presenting an trophy of appreciation in praise of the new paradigm set up by Pou Chen through giving feedback to the international communities   
CMUH Deputy Superintendent Li-Hui Yang vigorously praised about Pou Chen Group's compassion ahead of others and specifically presented a gratitude and commemorative trophy on behalf of CMUH. Deputy Superintendent expressed the acknowledgement for the generous donation of medical expenses in the amount of NTD3 million from international shoe leading company, Pou Chen Group, so that Let could receive the best treatment from CMUH's multidiscipline team and lead a new life. It is a global village with the concept of international citizens. The compassion from Pou Chen Group for medical services sets up an excellent paradigm for Taiwanese enterprises to give feedback to the international communities. 

Pou Chen is founded in Taiwan and shows compassion to the world. Taiwan’s sophisticated medical treatment benefits the world.
Pou Chen Group Chairman Lu-Ming Zhan stated that Pou Chen is founded in in Taiwan but has compassion for the world. Pou Chen always treats corporate social responsibility as the core value for sustainable management by actively promoting social participation of charities in Taiwan and overseas. Pou Chen has a profound relation with Myanmar. In July 2015, Pou Chen invested in a factory in Myanmar and currently now owns 5,138 employees locally.

This cooperation for international medical services with CMUH has an indicative history of development, where the medical, corporate and charity forces are integrated, which not only help Taiwan acquaint and understand the diverse communities worldwide through international cooperation and aids. Taiwan public also comprehends that we need to have the international power and make contribution for humanity issues. On the other hand, the international communities will also fully discover the significance and necessity of Taiwan. 

Multidiscipline Medical Team takes the responsibility to create new beautiful life through three phases of surgery. 
CMUH International Medical Service Center Superintendent Hung-Chi Chen called for multidiscipline departments from E.N.T., ophthalmology, neural surgery, cosmetic surgery, Department of thoracic Surgery, Department of orthopedics, and 3D printing medical R&D center to form a powerful medical team and take the responsibility of diagnosis again. Superintendent Chen suggested that Ler小勒 suffered from Goldenhar syndrome while the medical plan requires 8 months of schedule to carry out the surgeries in three phases. The team will complete the abnormal tissue resection and ear canal and right face restructuring. 

CMUH and Pou Chen Group cooperated to initiate the “International Charity Medical Treatment, One Aid for One Country” for the Myanmar international medical service case. The case received the collective cooperation from TAITRA and different sections. TAITRA director Cui-Feng Wu suggested that Taiwanese enterprises' compassion and feedback to local people through medical services will assist Taiwanese enterprises to strengthen their local relation, expand Taiwan's medical diplomacy, and offer a multi-win situation with enterprises, hospital, government and various sectors.

國際慈善醫療 ㄧ國一援助 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 寶成國際集團 合作啟動國際醫療援助

國際慈善醫療 ㄧ國一援助 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 寶成國際集團 合作啟動國際醫療援助


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