Department Introduction

Toxicology | Excellence



The Toxicology Division is the Taiwan Antidote Network Central Region Control Center. As the only real toxicology training hospital in central Taiwan, a total of 26 emergency or internal medicine specialists have been trained to date.
Director Dong-zong Hung has developed the nation's only snakebite quick diagnostic film, on which a patent is being applied for.

In general, as the snakebite patient has difficulty in identifying the species of the venomous snake and similar superficial characteristics of snakebite increases the difficulty of clinical diagnosis, it is very important to develop a rapid and reliable diagnostic reagent. The Toxicology Division has developed immunochromatography for the rapid detection of the cobra echidnotoxin in human serum. This test method can detect whether cobra echidnotoxin exists in the snakebite patient's serum samples within 20 minutes, with a detection limit of 5 ng/ml.
A cobra echidnotoxin rapid-test reagent has a considerable degree of specificity and other echidnotoxin (including Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus, Trimeresurus gramineus, Bungarus multicinctus,  Deinagkistrodon acutus, and Daboia siamensis echidnotoxin) will not react with the reagent. 


A cobra echidnotoxin rapid-test reagent

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